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WStE460 polat plastinka
WStE460 polat plastinka
WStE460 polat plastinka
WStE460 polat plastinka

WStE460 polat plastinka

DIN17102 WStE460 Polat plitalary köprüleriň gurluşygynda, awtoulag ýollarynyň gurluşygynda we beýleki in Engineeringenerçilik gurluşyklarynda ulanylýar
Himiki düzümi
S% max N% max Al% max Cr% max Cu% max Mo% max Ni% Nb% max
0.03 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.20 0.1 1.0 0.05
Mehaniki eýeçilik
Bahalar Dartyş güýji R.müçin
önümiň galyňlygy s, mm
N / mm²
UpperYield StressReH²) önümiň galyňlygy s, mm
N / mm² min.
Döwülenden soň uzalma3)
(L.o= 5do)% min.
Egrem synagy üçin mandeliň diametri 4), 5)
s≤70 70 < s≤85 85 < s≤100 100 < s≤125 125 < s≤150 s≤16 16 ≤ s≤35 35 < s≤50 50 < s≤60 60 ≤ s≤70 70 < s≤85 85 < s≤100 100 < s≤125 125 < s≤150 Uzynlyk Transvers 6)
WStE460 560~730 550~720 540~710 530~700 520~690 460 450 440 430 420 410 400 390 380 17
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