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simbi square tubing
simbi square tubing
simbi square tubing
simbi square tubing

simbi square tubing

Steel square chubhu chigadzirwa chakashongedzwa chine weld yemukati seam ine akasiyana maindasitiri, ekutengesa, ekugara uye ekushongedza mashandisiro. Zvichienderana nehukuru hwaunoda, tinoiisa muA513 kana A500 Giredhi B.
Product sumo

Square simbi pombi imhando yeskweya pombi, inova pombi yesimbi ine mativi akaenzana. Itambo yesimbi yakagadziriswa uye yakakungurutswa. Kazhinji, tambo yacho inotakurwa, yakatsetseka, yakashomerwa, yakamoneredzwa kuti iite chubhu yakatenderedzwa, yobva yakungurutswa kuita chubhu yeskweya nechubhu yakatenderera yozochekwa kuita hurefu hwaidiwa. Kazhinji 50 pakiti.

1. Inogona kuita chiyero chesimbi inotonhora-yakaumbwa mhango yeGB6728-2002 chimiro.

2. Iyo JISG3466-88 Japan general yekuvaka square chubhu adaptation range standard inogona kuitwa.

Technical data
Outer Diameter: 15 * 15-500 * 500mm
Urefu: Max. 12 mamita
Simbi Giredhi: Q195/Q215/Q235/Q345/10#/20#/ASTM A106 GRB
Packing: Hexagonal bundles of max. 3,000kg ine zvidimbu zvesimbi zvakati wandei, Ma tag maviri pasumbu rega rega, Akaputirwa nebepa risina mvura
Muedzo: Chemical Component Analysis, Mechanical Properties (Ultimate tensile simba, Goho simba, Elongation), Technical Properties (Flattening Test, Bending Test, Blow Test, Impact Test), Exterior Size Inspection, Hydrostatic Test, X-ray Test.
SIZE: Kupisa kwakatenderedzwa:W.T: 1.0-25mm
Kutonhora kwakapetwa:W.T:0.6-1.5mm
Kumwe Kurapa Kwepamusoro: tsamba yakapendwa, yakadhirowewa, kupenda
Kushandisa: Yekuvaka, chimiro, fenicha, guardrail, fenzi
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