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410HT stainless steel sheet
410HT stainless steel sheet
410HT stainless steel sheet
410HT stainless steel sheet

410HT stainless steel sheet

Alloy 410 HT is the basic, general purpose,  heat treated version of Type 410. It is a martensitic type, used for general purpose, where corrosion is not severe. Alloy 410 contains a minimum of 11.5% chromium which is just sufficient enough to demonstrate corrosion resistance properties in mild atmospheres, steam, and many mild chemical environments.
Product Information
Alloy 410 HT is the basic, general purpose,  heat treated version of Type 410. It is a martensitic type, used for general purpose, where corrosion is not severe. Alloy 410 contains a minimum of 11.5% chromium which is just sufficient enough to demonstrate corrosion resistance properties in mild atmospheres, steam, and many mild chemical environments.
Product Details

Chemical Properties:

  C Mn Si P S Cr Ni
410HT 0.15 max 1.00 max 1.00 max 0.04 max 0.03 max min: 11.5
max: 13.5
0.50 max

Mechanical Properties:

Grade Tensile Strength ksi (MPa) min Yield Strength 0.2% offset ksi (MPa) min Elongation (% in 50mm) min Hardness (Brinell) MAX Hardness (Rockwell B) MAX
410HT 65 (450) 30 (205) 20    

  • ASTM/ASME: UNS S41000
  • EURONORM: FeMi35Cr20Cu4Mo2
  • DIN: 2.4660

Corrosion Resistance:

  • Good corrosion resistance to atmospheric corrosion, potable water, and to mildly corrosive environments
  • Its exposure to everyday activities (sports, food preparation) is generally satisfactory when proper cleaning is performed after exposure to use
  • Good corrosion resistance to low concentrations of mild organic and mineral acids

Welding Characteristics

  • Readily welded by all standard methods
  • To reduce the risk of cracking, it is suggested to pre-heat the work piece to 350 to 400oF (177 to 204oC)
  • Post weld annealing is recommended to retain maximum ductility

Heat Treatment
  • The proper hot work range is 2000 to 2200oF (1093 to 1204oC)
  • Do not work this material below 1650oF (899oC)

Mechanical Properties of Heat Treated 410:
Heat Treatment T410 (0.14%C) Hardened 1800°F (982°C)
Rockwell Hardness 0.2% YS, Ksi (MPa) UTS, Ksi (MPa)
Annealed* 81 HRB 45.4  (313) 80.4  (554)
 Hardened & Tempered 400°F (204°C) 43 HRC 156.1  (1076)  202.9  (1399)
 Hardened & Tempered 550°F (288°C)  40 HRC 148.3  (1022)  187.0  (1289)
Hardened & Tempered 600°F (316°C) 40 HRC 148.8  (1026) 186.1  (1283)
Hardened & Tempered 800°F (427°C) 41 HRC 132.9 (916) 188.5  (1300)
Hardened & Tempered 900°F (482°C) 41 HRC 122.6 (845) 154.3  (1063)
Hardened & Tempered 1000°F (538°C) 35 HRC 127.9  (882) 154.3  (1063)
Hardened & Tempered 1200°F (649°C) 98 HRB 85.5  (589) 111.2  (767)


Applications requiring moderate corrosion resistance and high mechanical properties are ideal for Alloy 410HT. Examples of applications that frequently used Alloy 410HT include:

  • Cutlery
  • Steam and gas turbine blades
  • Kitchen utensils
  • Bolts, nuts, screws
  • Pump and valve parts and shafts
  • Mine ladder rugs
  • Dental and surgical instruments
  • Nozzles
  • Hardened steel balls and seats for oil well pumps








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