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Happy National Day, GNEE!

2023-10-01 10:11:55
Celebrate National Day, Build a Home Together
Today, our country celebrates the annual National Day, and the whole country is filled with a festive atmosphere. People have come out of their homes to participate in various celebrations and greet this special day with enthusiastic smiles.
GNEE Steel Group is a supply chain integrated company with designing and processing of raw materials such as silicon steel/ galvanized steel. Founded in 2008 with a registered capital of RMB 5 million, the company currently has a total investment of RMB 30 million, a plant area of more than 35,000 square meters and more than 200 employees.
On this day, celebrations came from all over the world. On the square, GNEE employees gathered together and sang "My Motherland and I", the song stirred everyone's heart and conveyed the prosperity of the country to every corner.
At this moment, I remembered the old adage: "Family Harmony Prospers". The country is like a big family, and everyone is a member of this big family. On the National Day, we share the joy and feel the strength and prosperity of our country.
National Day is also a time for us to be proud and grateful. Thanks to this land to give us the opportunity to survive and develop, thanks to those who quietly dedication of the people, it is thanks to their hard work, so that today's prosperity.