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ASTM A572 High Strength Steel Channel
ASTM A572 High Strength Steel Channel
ASTM A572 High Strength Steel Channel
ASTM A572 High Strength Steel Channel

ASTM A572 High Strength Steel Channel

Kei te whakamahia te ASTM A572 i roto i te maha o nga tono hanganga & e waatea ana i nga reanga 5: 42, 50, 55, 60 & 65.
Whakataki hua
ASTM A572 High Strength Steel Channel

Ko te ASTM A572 he maitai-kaha-iti (HSLA) maitai me te ihirangi koranu o te columbium me te vanadium, e whakakaha ana i te maitai me te whakarato i te kaha ira hua teitei ake i te ASTM A36. A572 HSLA hongere maitai he pai mo nga tono me kaha ake te kaha mo te whakaheke i te matotoru me te taumaha.

A572 hongere maitai - UPN rahi

Ko nga waahanga rino ASTM A572 e toru nga tohu - Koeke 42, 50 me 55. Ka kitea e koe nga ihirangi matū motuhake me nga taonga miihini i nga ripanga i raro nei.

Whakaahuatanga hua:

  • Te nama take: ASTM A572-50 hongere rino.
  • Ahu: UPN & UPE.
  • Whānui tukutuku: 80 - 200 mm.
  • Te matotoru Tukutuku: 6 - 8.5 mm (UPN) & 4.5 - 5.2 mm (UPE).
  • Te whanui flange: 45 - 75 mm (UPN) & 40 - 76 mm (UPE).
  • Te matotoru flange: 8 - 11.5 mm (UPN) & 7.4 - 9.0 mm (UPE).
  • Te roa: 3 m, 6 m, ki te hiahiatia ranei.
  • Te maimoatanga mata: kore-maimoatanga, piauau ranei tuatahi.
  • Tuhipoka: kei te waatea nga rahi hongere motuhake i runga i te ota.
Raraunga hangarau
Hanganga matū (tātari wera)
Tūemi Kōeke waro, teitei, % Konupora, teitei, % Silicon, teitei, % Phosphorus, teitei, % Whanariki, teitei, %
A572 koki maitai 42 0.21 1.35 0.40 0.04 0.05
50 0.23 1.35 0.40 0.04 0.05
55 0.25 1.35 0.40 0.04 0.05
Nga taonga miihini
Tūemi Kōeke Ira tuku, min, ksi [MPa] Te kaha matara, min, ksi [MPa]
A572 koki maitai 42 42 290] 60 [415]
50 50 [345] 65 [450]
55 55 [380] 70 [485]
ASTM A572-50 UPN hongere rahi rino
Tūemi Hohonu (mm) Whānui flange (mm) Te matotoru tukutuku (mm) Te matotoru flange (mm) Taumaha (kg/m)
UPN80 80 45 6 8 8.64
UPN100 100 50 6 8.5 10.6
UPN120 120 55 7 9 13.4
UPN140 140 60 7 10 16
UPN160 160 65 7.5 10.5 18.8
UPN180 180 70 8 11 22
UPN200 200 75 8.5 11.5 25.3
ASTM A572-50 UPE hongere rino rahi
Tūemi Hohonu (mm) Whānui flange (mm) Te matotoru tukutuku (mm) Te matotoru flange (mm) Taumaha (kg/m)
UPE80 80 40 4.5 7.4 7.05
UPE100 100 46 4.5 7.6 8.59
UPE120 120 52 4.8 7.8 10.4
UPE140 140 58 4.9 8.1 12.3
UPE160 160 64 5 8.4 14.2
UPE180 180 70 5.1 8.7 16.3
UPE200 200 76 5.2 9 18.4
* Ingoa
* ī-mēra