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ASTM A204 GR.C Alloy Boiler steel phaj
ASTM A204 GR.C Alloy Boiler steel phaj
ASTM A204 GR.C Alloy Boiler steel phaj
ASTM A204 GR.C Alloy Boiler steel phaj

ASTM A204 GR.C Alloy Boiler steel phaj

ASTM A204 qib C yog hom ASTM A204 steel. Cov cuab yeej raug suav hais tias tsim nyog rau qhov ua tau zoo (tsis muaj temper lossis kho) mob. Nws muaj lub zog siab tshaj plaws thiab qis qis qis dua piv rau lwm qhov sib txawv ntawm ASTM A204 steel
ASTM A204 GR.C Alloy Boiler steel phaj Nqe lus piav qhia:

Siab lub nkoj steel phaj A204 Qib C muaj lub zog siab tshaj 295 Mpa, lub zog tensile hauv 515-655 Mpa. Qhov feem pua ​​Elongation hauv 200mm yuav tsum sib npaug lossis siab dua 16, thiab qhov elongation feem pua ​​hauv 50mm yuav tsum sib npaug los yog siab tshaj 20. Siab nkoj steel phaj A204 Qib C yog Molybdenum alloy steel daim hlau. Cov tshuaj Mo muaj nyob hauv 0. 45-0. 60 rau kev ntsuas kub thaum dov. Peb xav muab qhov zoo tshaj plaws boiler steel phaj SA204 Qib C nrog ABS, TUV, CE, DNV pom zoo.

Thickness: 6mm-150mm,

Dav: 1500mm txog 4050mm,

Ntev: 3000mm txog 15000mm

Chemical Composition thiab Mechanical Properties:
A204 Qib C tshuaj muaj pes tsawg leeg
Qib Cov ntsiab lus Max (%)
C Si Mn P S
A204 Qib C 0.23-0.28 0.13-0.45 0.90-0.98 0.035 0.035

Mechanical Property of A204 Qib C steel phaj A204 Qib C
Tensile zog, kis [MPa] 75-95 [515-655]
Yield zog, min, kis [MPa] 43 [295]
Elongation hauv 8 nti [200 mm], min, % 16
Elongation hauv 2 nti [50 mm], min, % 20

Technical Requirements & Additional Services:

  • Kev ntsuam xyuas siab
  • Tsawg kub cuam tshuam kuaj
  • Normalized rau daim hlau tuab tshaj 40mm
  • Simulated tom qab vuam kev kho cua sov (PWHT)
  • Tshaj tawm Orginal Mill xeem daim ntawv pov thawj raws li EN 10204 FORMAT 3. 1/3. 2
  • Tua blasting thiab Painting, Txiav thiab vuam raws li ib tus neeg siv kawg xav tau
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