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06Ni9DR steel phaj
06Ni9DR steel phaj
06Ni9DR steel phaj
06Ni9DR steel phaj

06Ni9DR steel phaj

06Ni9DR steel phaj belongs rau lub nkoj siab thiab boiler hlau. Nws muaj 9% Ni. Nws yog tsuas yog siv rau kev tsim kho ntawm qis-kub LNG cia tank thiab belongs rau low-temperature steel.
Khoom taw qhia
06Ni9DR steel phaj belongs rau lub nkoj siab thiab boiler hlau. Nws muaj 9% Ni. Nws yog tsuas yog siv rau kev tsim kho ntawm qis-kub LNG cia tank thiab belongs rau low-temperature steel.

Cov txheej txheem tswj hwm ntawm 06Ni9DR steel phaj: 06Ni9DR yuav tsum ua raws li GB / T24510 tus qauv, 9% Ni steel phaj rau cov hlab ntsha tsis tshua muaj siab.

06Ni9DR steel phaj flaw detection executive standard: 06Ni9DR flaw detection executive JB/ T4730.3 standard, pressure equipment nondestructive testing.

Kev ntsuam xyuas ultrasonic ntawm 06Ni9DR steel phaj: cov phaj hlau yuav tsum tau kuaj ib los ntawm ib qho raws li JB / T4730.3, thiab qib tsim nyog yog qib Ⅰ. Raws li kev sib tham ntawm tus neeg muag khoom thiab tus neeg thov, nws tuaj yeem ua tau raws li lwm cov qauv kev sim, uas yuav tsum tau teev tseg hauv daim ntawv cog lus.

Thawj mills yog Anyang steel zeb (Angang), Wuyang steel zeb (Wugang), Nanjing Steel zeb (Nangang), Xinyu Steel zeb (Xingang) uas yog tag nrho cov Tuam Tshoj lub teb chaws muaj thawj chav kawm steel mills.Tshiab hom thiab zoo yog guaranteed rau cov khoom steel phaj.

Tshuag loj rau boiler steel daim hlau 09MnNiDR 08Ni3DR 06Ni9DR
Thickness: 6mm-250mm
Dav: 800-3500mm
Ntev: 800-15000mm

Thawj daim ntawv pov thawj rau txhua lub phaj hlau tuaj yeem taug qab los ntawm kev tsim cov mill.Gnee steel muab cov duab thiab cov yeeb yaj kiab rau tag nrho cov ntawv xa khoom xa tuaj nrog rau kev tuaj tos los ntawm peb lub tsev khaws khoom, cov cim nyuaj thiab cov ntawv luam tawm ntawm cov hlau phaj nto xyuas, txiav, vuam, primer painting, thiab lwm yam.
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